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Showing posts from September 26, 2009

Adsense alternatives

So you've placed Google ads throughout your website and still barely make any money, huh? Well, you don't have to just use your website anymore. There are other sites where you can place your Google ads. In this article, I will discuss where these other websites are. For starters, there's Xomba. Xomba is an article depository site where you can write your articles and make some money from them. It should be noted that you are not just limited to articles; you can submit pictures, interesting news clips, videos, and more. Xomba is similar to Digg in a way because it allows the poster to submit their content, and then people will give it points if they like the it. The more points your content receives, the more people will look at it. Of course, the difference between Digg and Xomba is that you get paid at Xomba. You submit your Adsense ID to Xomba, and your Google ads will show up wherever your content is displayed. Xomba will take a fifty percent commission on your ear...

4 Disastrous Mistakes of Men When Approaching a Girl - This is a Must Know For You

Some guys tend to have a habit of rehearsing pickup lines and admiring their tanned and toned body in front of the mirror. All this confidence evaporates into nothingness when they are finally facing the girl of their dreams. Why do men screw up even the simplest of encounters such as a "Hello"? If you're wondering how to approach a girl effectively, you need to learn what not to do. Quit over-analyzing. Guys were not made to be fickle-minded. If they were, we'd probably live in a less efficient world. Leave that matter to women. Guys were meant to be headstrong and firm in decision-making. So why is it so hard for you to get over there and say Hello? The problem with most men is that they think too much, resulting in more stammers. Sometimes, an opener sounds too scripted and emotionless because of the many times it has been practiced. If you remain calm and spontaneous, you will be able to walk up to her and make eye contact. Do not over-speed. So she's given yo...

A Quick Guide To Employee Orientation - Help For Managers & HR

A Quick Guide To Employee Orientation  - Help For Managers & HR We would not be understating the case if we said that orienting employees  to their workplaces and their jobs is one of the most neglected functions  in government.  Countless horror stories exist about how a new employee  has received a ten minute talk with the manager, and directed to his or her  office position, with no further guidance or instruction.  Not only is this  exceedingly stressful for the employee, but it virtually guarantees a very  long period of unproductiveness for the employee.  In this month's PSM Supplement we present an overview of the orientation  process, and a checklist that you can use when orienting new staff.  As  you read the article, keep in mind that orientation is also important for  existing employees if a) they have never received proper orientati...