Working as a fitness and weight loss bootcamp instructor and personal trainer in Singapore, I tell my clients that diet, even more than working out, affects their fat loss, fitness, weight loss and muscle gain.. A massive proportion of correct nutrition entails cooking at home, where you have complete control over the quality of ingredients as well as preparation techniques and quantity. When teaching about cooking at home, I frequently hear, "But I don't know how to cook!", or get asked, "How do I learn how to cook better? I'm tired of my own cooking!" It's not difficult! Let me share with you a little of my culinary journey and you'll see that it is not difficult, especially if you know the secret to improving your cooking! Alright, when I was new to cooking, I was terrible. The first served I served a friend, no kidding you, consisted of frozen peas defrosted with the dorm kitchen faucet, chicken pink and bloody in the middle, and half-cooked, ha...
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