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Showing posts from July 4, 2010

Laverne Stanley

MiamiHerald... Large-scale skimmer begins testing in Gulf By the CNN Wire Staff New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) -- A ship billed as the world's largest skimming vessel has begun testing its effectiveness in the Gulf of Mexico, a spokesman for its owner, Taiwanese company TMT Shipping, said Saturday. Crews Test Giant Oil Skimmer in Gulf of Mexico Voice of America Giant oil skimmer being tested in Gulf The Associated Press  - Reuters  - Christian Science  Monitor   - Wall Street Journal all 1,371 y7u5rf456 news articles »

Augustine Mclain

MiamiHerald... Large-scale skimmer begins testing in Gulf By the CNN Wire Staff New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) -- A ship billed as the world's largest skimming vessel has begun testing its effectiveness in the Gulf of Mexico, a spokesman for its owner, Taiwanese company TMT Shipping, said Saturday. Crews Test Giant Oil Skimmer in Gulf of Mexico Voice of America Giant oil skimmer being tested in Gulf The Associated Press  - Reuters  - Christian Science  Monitor   - Wall Street Journal all 1,371 y7u5rf456 news articles �