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Showing posts from October 10, 2009

Food and beverage market is central to consumer perceptions of sustainability

Consumers and Sustainability: Food and Beverage, Personal Care, Household Cleaners, and OTC Medications and Supplements The CPG markets covered are food and beverage, personal care, household cleaners, and OTC medications and supplements. Sustainability means different things to different people. Asked to identify what the term means to them, consumers most frequently respond "the ability to last over time" (76%) and "the ability to support oneself." Sustainability is also strongly associated with environmental concerns, whereby consumers are being challenged to develop and express an "eco-consciousness" in their daily habits and purchases. Thus, nearly half of consumers associate sustainability with conserving natural resources and with recycling. ( ) But using "eco-conscious...

Eating Beatific Food Storage

These innocuous matter hardware tips in home support to kill bacteria, moulds and parasites, stops them multiplying and stops further designate or spread. Ensure your matter is nutritious, decent and fresh in all respects. Reduce wastage of matter and realize continuance for money by using the right matter hardware container. Importance of matter storage Improper matter hardware is harmful to maintaining a beatific health regime. Proper matter hardware does not advance to improving the quality of matter but prevents quality deterioration. Proper temperature is vital to innocuous matter hardware as well as retaining its fresh appearance, pleasant aroma and texture.     * Preserving matter quality including retention of natural nutrition, savor and texture     * Preventing spoilage thereby reaction wastage     * Ensures matter safety. Prevents food-borne illnesses.     * Categorize matter items into raw, grilled or convenience f...