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Super size marketing strategies – does it work?

Super size marketing strategies – does it work?Author: Robert Johnston

Does size matter? Size has always been an issue from the bedroom to the boardroom. In both rooms, people would brag, albeit more discreetly in the former, 'Mine is bigger than yours.' But what does this mean in the marketing sense? Or more accurately, does size really matter in marketing your business?

The old school has espoused the 'mine is bigger than yours' paradigm where marketers and business owners go out of their way to super size everything for their clients without regard to the consequences.

To describe this phenomenon, let me illuminate you with these promotional strategies:

• A large number of Friendster and Facebook friends
• A large number of Twitter followers
• A large number of mailing list
• A large gathering of people in a PR event
• A large number of custom envelopes and print envelopes
• A large number of print ads
• A large number of hits

Marketers everywhere push for bigger is better on the assumption that raw numbers of things mean that you will increase your sales or market share.

Sounds logical, right? But what is the downside of some of these super sized strategies?

If you push for a long list in your Friendster and Facebook account, people will be turned off because they would know that it is being used as a marketing gimmick. Rather than becoming a marketing tool, these accounts become sources of derision.

A bigger email lists is prone to spamming and indiscreet actions with thousands of people who really don't know or care about your product or service viewing your site just for the sake of viewing it. You may also cut corners in terms of gathering their email details. If you market to this type of list, you could end up being branded a spammer and losing all credibility.

Yes, big PR events and stunts can be a great way to build brand awareness, but they can also be extremely costly and may not result in actual increases in sales for your business.

Big is good in a way; but a small handful of loyal customers is better because you don't spend more. So, the next time you are tempted to "get more" take a deep breath and work out what exactly do you want more of, and how specifically can you get more of what you truly need and less of what you don't.
About the Author:

Visit these pages for more information on custom envelopes and print envelopes

Article Source: - Super size marketing strategies – does it work?


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