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3 Simple Tips to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections in Cats

A sure sign that your cat has a urinary tract infection is seeing him straining to urinate when in his litter box. This is often accompanied by vocalizing and eventually abandoning the litter box altogether.

What can you do to prevent urinary tract infections in cats? The most important thing you need to do is take your feline friend in to see a veterinarian immediately. This situation can be life threatening if not caught in time and treated effectively. What are some things you can do at home to try to prevent urinary tract infections from happening with your cat?

  1. Herbal remedies. Try herbs such as hydrangea, gravel root and corn silk. These are all effective at acidifying the urine and possibly dissolving any existing bladder stones.
  2. Ample water supply. Make sure you cat has lots of opportunity to drink water throughout the day. Just like with humans, drinking enough water is critical to flushing the system out and preventing any crystal buildup in the urethra and bladder.
  3. Diet. There are foods available from your veterinarian formulated specifically to maintain good bladder health in your cat. A lot of cat foods available in the supermarket are very high in ash and can contribute to blockages.
My wife and I have a cat that came down with a urinary tract infection a couple of years ago that ended up costing us a small fortune. If we had brought him in to the vet in time, it likely would have saved us a lot of money and heartache.

We did a lot of reading about urinary tract infections in cats on the Internet and weren't entirely satisfied with what we found. We spent the next several months compiling all the most relevant information and also interviewing veterinarians in our area and around the world.

The results of our research can now be found at where we have many articles relating to inappropriate urination in cats. A cat that pees outside the litter box is a frustrating problem and one that could prove fatal to your cat if you don't know what to do. Do your homework and help your cat before it's too late.

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