Do you have a goal that gets you excited, but at the same time it feels just a bit out of reach? Well, if that is true for you, you are certainly not alone. There is a great saying that goes.. "If you can dream it, you can do it!! And that is so true!
The first small step toward the attainment of a goal is to check in a see that you have your attitude on right. Do you believe this is something you can accomplish in the amount of time you have determined? Do you believe you deserve this accomplishment? Your attitude is the foundation to lay before you embark on any project.
The second small step is mapping out your milestones for a particular project. As soon as you know what project you want to focus on, ask yourself 'what is the very first step that I can take to set this goal in motion?'. Second place to check in is to ask yourself, 'how will I know I am half way there?'. And lastly, you'll want to look ahead to the future of this project and ask yourself 'what is the very last thing I'll need to do to know that success is mine and I am only steps away from completion?'.
The third, and final small step to take for big results with your goals or projects is to do 3 tasks every day that will greatly contribute to your success. These can be the same three action habits or a different set of things each day. Plan the night before or early in the day what 3 action habits you will do that day to move you closer to your goal.
If you have a good attitude and 'can do' spirit followed by a set of milestones to work toward with 3 daily action habits set aside each day, you goal is as good as yours. What would you like to commit to accomplishing in the next 30 days?
You can create your success!
Please enjoy the FREE bonus gifts that are available for you by visiting You'll receive a 20 minute reply of a webinar called "Keep moving forward", a free report of '200+ Action Habits of successful entrepreneurs' and also a '7 day simple start' action plan to take action now! Helen Raptoplous has been called a Muse Mentor by her clients and the premier catalyst for business owners to grow and keep moving their business forward.
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