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The Best Dogs For Kids May Surprise You

Getting a family dog is a very big and important decision and not one to be taken lightly. One needs to think about a whole range of different characteristics of the type of dog that will fit into the family as well as protect the family from harm. You should choose the best dogs for kids.

When looking at the age of the dog for the family, it is necessary to take into consideration the energy levels of the dog. For example, an old married couple shouldn't get a 3 month old Collie puppy as Collies are dogs that need lots of attention and have limitless energy. This 3 month old Collie would be better suited to a family with young children who are able to play with the puppy and help consume some of that energy that Collies are so famous for!

Another important thing to take into consideration is the type or breed of dog that would best suit the family. A firm favourite amongst all animal lovers is the ever popular Labrador retriever and golden retriever. These two breeds of dog are possibly the most popular family dog as they are loyal, protective and patient. Most retrievers are able to cope with kids pulling their ears and tails as this seems to be the done thing!

Other breeds that are also particularly popular include the German Shepherd for its patience and loyalty, the Maltese Poodle for its sheer love of attention from anyone plus they are also a smaller size which means they are not as intimidating to little people, Great Danes which while the largest breed of dog on the planet are also amongst the most patient and forgiving and certainly not least, the little pavement specials.

These dogs are not of any particular breed but rather a melting pot with a little bit of everything. More often than not, these dogs can be found at a local shelter or adopting kennel. These dogs are hardy, loyal, patient and protective because they know all too well that you have given them another chance at a happy life.

The most important aspect to look at it is training the dog to be obedient. With some positive reinforcement and constant encouragement, any dog can be trained to sit, heel, walk, roll over and even play dead! It is important for the dog to realise who its family is.

When looking for the best dogs for kids, remember that any dog can be a family pet as long as it is shown kindness, tolerance and love because that is exactly what that dog will be giving the family it now belongs to.

You can check out Gerald Tommey's latest web site where he discusses frames for pictures. You'll get some great ideas about paper photo frames that you can use to capture images of your sweet baby.

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