Conversational hypnosis is a little different from conventional hypnosis and is useful with persuasion techniques through the theories of neuro linguistic programming. I will attempt to give a brief overview in this article and then recommend a higher accredited source that you can gain education from.
Conventional hypnosis uses a monitored environment that gives total control to the hypnotizer. A "hypnotic induction" is then used to put the participant in a state of suggestibility. Now a hypnotic induction is something that you have seen in all the cliché movies and cartoons where a watch is swung in front of someone and then they are told to relax. This has a "whisker" of truth to it because generally an induction will involve the hypnotizer giving the participant instructions to relax their body, mind and proceed to then take them to a memory or scenario of suggestibility. This is simply an example and there are many different techniques.
Conversational hypnosis is what it sounds like, it is the art of being able to have a conversation with someone and put them into a suggestive state. This basically uses the theories of neuro linguistic programming, which are about how we are programmed to react to certain words and using these reactions and specific words to give the hypnotizer a way to put the participant into a suggestive state. So this kind of hypnosis is very powerful because it allows the hypnotizer to use these techniques in any environment such as job interviews, public speaking, business meetings and even sports coaching. A good example is when you are at a motivational seminar and the presenter uses words and phrases as "wealth", "freedom", "happiness" with examples of walking on the beach with a loved one. You generally walk out of these seminars in a motivational and positive state along with everyone else. This is a very basic example but hopefully it helps to explain this theory.
These theories are taught by an individual called Igor Ledochowski and he is definitely the best person to learn from. Have a look at this source for more information.
I have been in IT for a while and I have to say that it does not matter what you do success relates to relationship building and how you deal with people. These theories have helped so much.
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