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Embed Video and Explode Your Web Growth

Videos are a crucial part of any new website. Adding video gives captivating and dynamic content. It allows for a great call to action for your website visitors. In order to implement video on your website, you will have to understand how to embed codes that are shown on other websites. 

Sometimes it is time consuming to understand how to implement a code of video onto your current website. This could also translate into high cost if you hire someone to insert the video on your website. 

The benefit of having video on your website is that the content is verbalized. Users do not wish to read anything on the web. Most visitors scan text and never read it word for word. So video delivers the content in the most suitable format for  your visitors.

To take advantage of these videos, you just have to go to your favorite live streaming website such YouTube and place the code on your website.

Here is how its done.

  1. Go to your favourite video site such as YouTube. Search a video that compliments your website. Ensure the video is not promoting some other product or item. You want the visitor staying on your website rather going onto the video makers website.
  2. Once a video is found, you will see a section on the right hand side of the video titled "Embed". There will be a text box with HTML code in it. You simply just copy the exact code from that text box and paste it directly into  your website file. Place it on your web page that is most suitable. You might want to center the video as it will be more pleasing to the reader. Once the code is in place, save the file and close it.
  3. Open up a FTP program and upload your file to the appropriate section of your website. Once the file is uploaded, go to your website and play the video to make sure it works.

It's that simple. It is amazing to use video because it saves the user tons of time from scrolling and reading text. Also the visual representation will give your visitors a better user experience of your website.

Hassan has been writing for 2 years. His new website, Toddler Ballet Shoes is about Black Ballet Shoes.

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