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Increase Your Reading Speed in No Time!

When you're just starting to learn how to be a speed reader, you may find yourself curious as to how you stand up against the rest of the average population as far as reading speed goes. This can lead a lot of people to find free online speed reading tests that will tell them their scores and how they compare with the average reader. However, are these free online speed reading tests accurate? They may not be. It all depends on who wrote the test and what website it's on. You should be able to tell if it's a professional website, if the test seems like it's a professional one but you should still take a quiz from a professional speed reading instructor if you want a truly accurate account of where you stand up as a speed reader.

How Do They Test Speed Reading?

There are many different types of free online speed reading tests out there. Most of them will require you to read a passage and they will time you as you do so. However, just reading the free online speed reading test isn't enough. You will then be given a series of questions after the timed reading to see how much you absorbed. Reading fast does little good if you don't comprehend what you've read or absorbed any of it. A speed reader should be able to both read fast and remember and comprehend what he or she has read. That's the true definition of a speed reader.

May or Not Be Accurate

The websites where you get free online reading tests may be accurate and they may not be, but just to be sure, if you're really serious about becoming a speed reader, you may want to find a certified instructor who can teach you the ways of becoming a true speed reader.

More Accurate Tests

A certified instructor will definitely have a more accurate test for you to take. You'll get one on one instruction, rather than just general instructions such as the ones you'll find on some website, and you will get the teaching you need to become a real speed reader. Until you find an instructor, however, a free online speed reading test will have to do. At least the free speed reading test will give you a good idea if you need more or less instruction in order to become a speed reader.

Scott has been writing articles for nearly 3 years. Go check out his latest website at which helps people find the best sports bra manufactures and suppliers.

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